
Founder of the Institute

Victor Glushkov was an outstanding scientist of the XX century, the author of fundamental works in cybernetics, mathematics and computer science, initiator and organizer of major research programs for information, computerization and automation.

Winner of the Lenin and State prizes, member of Soviet Academy of Sciences, honorary member of many foreign academies he had published over 500 scientific works including 30 monographs.

Victor Glushkov was born on August 24, 1923 in Rostov-on-Don (Russia). He graduated from Rostov State University (1947-1948) and the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute (1943-1948). In 1951 Glushkov has got PhD diploma, in 1955 he was habilitated as doctor of science at Moscow State University.

Next 25 years of active life Dr. Glushkov has connected with the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Cybernetics. He had moved to Ukraine in 1956.

At the invitation of Academician B.V. Hnyedenko in August, 1953 Dr. Glushkov became the head of the Computer Science Lab at the Institute of Mathematics. The Lab is known for development of the first Soviet computer called Small Electronic Computing Machine "MESM" (1950) under the leadership of Academician S. Lebedev.

In December, 1957 Computer Center of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was organized on the base of the Lab. In 1962 the Computer Center was transformed to Institute of Cybernetics.

Victor Glushkov was voted into Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a corresponding member (1958) and then a full member (1961). In 1962 he became Vice President of theUkrainian Academy of Sciences.

Academician Glushkov paid much attention to developing the idea of "brain similar" computer structures. He predicted huge future opportunities of artificial intelligence, and initiated its development and applications at the Computing Center.

Academician Glushkov actively promoted publishing monographs, journals and collections of scientific papers on cybernetics and computer technology in Ukraine. He has founded the periodic journals "Cybernetics" (1965) and "Control Systems and Machines" (1972). In 1974, the first in the USSR "Encyclopedia of Cybernetics" was published under Glushkov's edition.

A team of researchers led by academician Glushkov in 1968 was awarded with USSR State Prize for the development of architecture principles of small computers for engineering calculations.

Academician Glushkov together with his students and colleagues contributed greatly to the development of control systems, organizational management, mathematical theory, software and special equipment for microelectronics, metallurgy, chemical industry, shipbuilding industry.

International scientific activities of Victor Glushkov are well known. He was a member of program committees of such famous institutions as the International Federations for Information Processing (IFIP) and Automatic Control (IFAC). He served as consultant to governments of Bulgaria, Eastern Germany (GDR), Czechoslovakia. Being an UNO expert academician Glushkov significantly influenced research directions of International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).

Many of his numerous scientific articles and books have been translated into foreign languages. He was invited to lecture to the United States, Britain, France, Spain, Italy, India, Mexico, Japan and other countries.

Glushkov was a foreign member of the Bulgarian (1974), German (GDR, 1975), Polish (1977) national academies of sciences.